San Francisco Planning Department's Property Information Map provides a single access point for a variety of useful
property data, zoning and permitting information. This map search tool and the wide range of information it makes available, reflects the Planning Department's
desire to use technology to provide easier access to information and better customer service.
Among the useful information available for each property:
- General Property Information, including Assessor's Reports, historical Sanborn Map and the official address and zip code of the property.
- Zoning Information of the Property, including Zoning Districts and other Applicable Regulations.
- Historic Preservation Records of the Property.
- Permitting History of the property.
- Enforcement Complaint Records of the Property.
- Step 1: Either click on the map or use the search box.
| Search examples: | |
| Address: | 400 Van Ness Ave |
| Parcel: (aka block/lot or APN): | Various formats are supported, e.g. 0787/001 ; 0787 001 ; 0787001 ; 0787-001 ; 0787\001 |
| Planning Application Number: | 2011.0218 or 2011.0218Q or 2015-005040PRJ |
| Planning Application Name: | Mission Muni Forward Project or 5M or 706 Mission St |
| Building Permit Number: | 200009130381 |
| Latitude Longitude: | 37.7793 -122.4193 |
| | |
- Step 2: Click the tabs to view the property data.
- Map too small? Click the right hand or bottom edge of the map and drag it to enlarge the map. Alternatively, click on the expand button to the bottom left of the map to open a full-page map view.
- Radii/Buffers Displays the area within a set distance of a property.
| After searching for an address, the property will be shown on the map as a blue shaded boundary. If you wish to see a radius around the property you can click on the blue boundary to display the radius. After clicking in the blue boundary, choose the distance you wish to see. Options are 150ft, 300ft, 1,000ft and 1/4 mile. | |
- Badges? Badges may appear beside the tab names in the left-hand navigation.
| These badges will display the Historic Preservation rating of the property (A, B or C), and the number of active permits on the property. | |
- EagleView Click the EagleView link above the map to see current and historical aerial photography.
| Overhead and oblique (views from the north, south, east and west) are included, as are historical photographs back to 2002. | |
- Map Layers After running an address or parcel search click on the check boxes below the map to add layers to the map. Alternatively, go directly to the large map and click on a check box.
Data Updates:
- Planning applications, 'Other Permits', planning complaints, historic resource evaluation responses, historic resource assessments, zoning letters, addresses, parcels, building permits, preservation, appeals, City property data, zoning districts, height & bulk districts, special use districts and special sign districts and all other zoning data are updated every night.
- The Assessor's Report is also updated every night. Typically, there is a freeze on the Assessor data updates starting mid-June each year, and lasting several weeks, while the Office of the Assessor-Recorder and the Controller's Office work to publish and certify the tax roll for the next fiscal year.
- Schools data are updated irregularly, whenever new data becomes available. The last update was spring 2019.
- The Assessor Block Maps are updated as they change.
- Sanborn maps are no longer updated, they should be used for historical context only.
- All other datasets (e.g., census tracts, traffic analysis zones, supervisor districts) are relatively static and are updated whenever changes occur to the base data.
Data Downloads:
Most of the datasets that feed into the Property Information Map are available for download through the City's open data portal, DataSF. Most of these datasets are available to be exported to GIS Shapefile, CSV and KML formats and can also be accessed through API endpoints. If you cannot find a dataset in the list below or on DataSF then you may request a copy using this Feedback Form.
Click on the links below to go to the download page for these datasets:
- Addresses - Every official address in San Francisco.
- Aerial photo services - current and historic orthophoto image services.
- Article 11 - Parcels - Parcels listed in Article 11 of the San Francisco Planning Code
- Assessor's Office Data - If you do not find the Assessor's Office data you require, please contact the Assessor's Office directly for a copy.
- Blocks
- Buildings - Building Footprints
- Building Permits - Dept of Building Inspection's building permits.
- Census Bureau - Census tracts and census data.
- City Facilities - Facilities that are either owned or leased by the City and County of San Francisco (schools, health centers, libraries, parks, etc.).
- Coastal Zone Area - The Coastal Zone Area is a component of the Planning Department's Zoning Map
- Elevation Contours
- Environmental Justice Communities
- Flooding (Stormwater) - SF PUC 100-Year Storm Flood Risk Zone
- Flooding (Coastal) - FEMA FIRM Flood Hazard Mapping
- Green Benefit Districts
- Height & Bulk Districts - A key component of the Planning Department's Zoning Map.
- Historic Districts - Districts that are either listed or determined eligible to be listed on the California Register of Historical Resources, National Register of Historic Places, Article 10 of the San Francisco Planning Code or Article 11 of the San Francisco.
- Historic Resources - Includes a CEQA historic status for every parcel in San Francisco
- Invest In Neighborhoods (IIN) Areas
- Land Use - Land use categories for every parcel in San Francisco.
- Landmarks - As defined in Article 10 of the San Francisco Planning Code
- National Parks Service
- Neighborhoods - As defined by the Planning Department for their neighborhood notifications process.
- Neighborhoods - As defined by the Mayor's Office
- Neighborhood Specific Impact Fee Areas
- Official City Basemap - CAD files of the city's blocks and lots (Dept of Public Works).
- Parcels - Also known as lots or block/lots or APNs or Assessor Parcel Numbers. Also includes the zoning for each parcel
- Parcels with Overlay Attributes - Parcels with fields listing the associated neighborhood, Planning district, Police district and Supervisor district .
- Planning Areas and Area Plan Boundaries
- Planning Records - Projects
- Planning Records - Non-Projects
- Planning Districts - These are groupings of census tracts. Planning Districts are used in various areas of the Planning process, mainly for analysis and management but are also in some parts of the General Plan.
- Plant database - Recommended plants for various areas of San Francisco that will create habitat and save water.
- Port - Port of San Francisco Port Jurisdiction.
- San Francisco Redevelopment Agency Project Areas
- Schools - Public and Private
- Sea Level Rise
- Special Sign Districts - A key component of the Planning Department's Zoning Map.
- Special Sign Districts - Scenic Streets - A key component of the Planning Department's Zoning Map.
- Special Use Districts - A key component of the Planning Department's Zoning Map.
- State Opportunity Maps
- Supervisor Districts
- Street Names
- Zip Codes
- Zoning Districts - A key component of the Planning Department's Zoning Map.
- Zoning (historical maps) - Zip file containing scanned zoning maps from 1921, 1929, 1935, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1975, 1980.
- A full list of datasets available to download.
You can link to the web site through the following URL: https://sfplanninggis.org/pim
After searching for a property or clicking on the map, click on the 'Link' option (top right of the page) to create a link to a property report.
Alternatively, you can create your own URL to link to. To do this add "?search=" to the URL followed by the text to search for, e.g:
You can also add a parameter to open a particular tab. To do this add "&tab=" to the URL followed by the name of the tab as it appears in the left-hand navigation, e.g.
To open the map and display a map layer add "?layers=" to the map URL (https://sfplanninggis.org/map.html) followed by the layer you would like to display. Multiple layers can be added, by separating the layer names with commas.
While we make every effort to keep the data on this website accurate and up to date, the City and County of San Francisco (CCSF) does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or usefulness of any information. CCSF provides this information on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and assumes no responsibility for anyone's use of the information.
Website Terms Of Use:
You must not conduct any systematic or automated data collection activities (including without limitation scraping, data mining, data extraction and data harvesting) on or in relation to this website without the San Francisco Planning Department's express written consent. The searching function on this website is particularly CPU intensive so automated collection can slow the site for all users. If you would like to download any of the data on this site, please use the links in the downloads section further up this page or contact Mike Wynne.
- For questions about using this website, technical feedback or suggestions to improve the website please use this Feedback Form.
- For questions related to the Zoning, Land Use, the San Francisco Planning Code or Planning Applications please contact the Planning Counter (pic@sfgov.org, tel: 628.652.7300, web: Planning Counter).
- For questions or corrections related to the Assessor Summary, Assessor Recorded Documents or the Secured Property Tax Roll please contact the Assessor's Office.
- For questions related to the Building Permits please contact the Department of Building Inspections (www.sfdbi.org, dbicustomerservice@sfgov.org, tel: 628-652-3200).
- The mapping is provided by ArcGIS.com, if you see any errors on the map please report these through the ArcGIS Support Site using the 'Feedback for Topographic Map' link.
Other Useful Websites:
- sfplanning.org - the San Francisco Planning Department's website.
- sfplanninggis.org - various GIS websites, tools and maps created by or for the SF Planning Department.
- sf.gov - website of the City & County of San Francisco
- Permits In My Neighborhood - view a map of active or closed permits, sign up for email alerts when new permits are filed in your area, filter the map by permit date or permit type.
- Planning Department Map Library - other maps and tools that we have created.
- https://sfplanninggis.org/sffind - SF Find is a sister website to the Property Information Map. It displays government services available in your neighborhood (schools, libraries, street cleaning schedules, elected officials, etc.)
- https://sfplanninggis.org/tim - The San Francisco Transportation Information Map is a sister website to the Property Information Map. It displays information related to transportation (bike lanes, MUNI lines, pedestrian and bicycle safety data, etc.)
- www.sfassessor.org - the Office of the Assessor-Recorder's website.
- www.sfdbi.org - the Department of Building Inspection's website.
- Data.SFGov.org - the City and County of San Francisco's open data portal. Thousands of City/County datasets available to download. Includes most of the data used to in the Property Information Map.
- SFPlantFinder.org - a plant database for San Francisco's unique environment, microclimates and habitats. Enter your address and get a list of recommended plants suitable for growing at your location.
- https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/san_francisco - the San Francisco Municipal Code. Includes the Planning Code, Building Code, Business and Tax Regulations Code, Port Code and other codes.
- https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/san_francisco/latest/sf_planning/ San Francisco Planning Code
- https://sfpl.org/locations/main-library/historical-photographs/photo-collections/san-francisco-office-assessor San Francisco Office of Assessor-Recorder Photographs. Photos of buildings taken from the early 1940s to the early 2000s
Property Report:
- Parcel: Also known as lot, block-lot or Assessor Parcel Number (APN). An area of land ownership as designated by The Office of the Assessor-Recorder and the Department of Public Works.
- Neighborhoods: The Neighborhood as defined by the Planning Department. These Neighborhoods correspond to the department's Neighborhood Notification List
- Neighborhood Planning Team: The Planning Dept assigns projects to planners within the Neighborhood Planning division of the Planning Dept. There are four Neighborhood Planning teams, each deals with projects located within one of the Neighborhood Planning Quadrants.
- Planning Districts: These are groupings of census tracts. Planning Districts are used in various areas of the Planning process, mainly for analysis and management but are also in some parts of the General Plan.
- Year Built: Build dates prior to 1906 may be inaccurate due to records lost in the fire that followed the 1906 earthquake. Buildings that survived the fire were often given a generic build date of '1900'.
- Building Area: The floor space of the building. If there are multiple buildings on a parcel the 'Building Area' will refer to the total floor space of all the buildings on the parcel.
Zoning Report Glossary:
- Zoning Districts: Permitted land uses as designated by the San Francisco Planning Code based on mapped zones which separate one set of land uses from another
- Height & Bulk Districts: Permitted maximum height and bulk of buildings as designated by the San Francisco Planning Code
- Special Use Districts: Often referred to as SUD's. A tool of urban planning used to provide additional regulation or protection of certain land uses, e.g. to expand the provision of affordable housing or to protect and enhance the unique retail character of an area. Designated by the San Francisco Planning Code
- Proximity to Neighborhood-Commercial Districts and Restricted Use Districts: Some exceptions to planning regulations come into effect if a property is more than 1/4 mile from a Neighborhood Commercial District or a Restricted Use District. For example Article 186 of the Planning Code
- Special Sign Districts: Often referred to as SSD's. Regulations related to general advertising signs
- Legislative Setbacks: Legislative setbacks from the front of the parcel where planned developments may not be permitted.
- Coastal Zone: The purpose of the Coastal Zone is to implement the process of reviewing projects within the Coastal Zone for consistency with the San Francisco Local Coastal Program as required by the California Coastal Act of 1976.
- Limited and Nonconforming Uses: A use that existed lawfully at the effective date of the Planning Code and fails to conform to the use limitations under Articles 2, 6, 7 and 8 of the Planning Code .
- Redevelopment Areas: The Planning Code does not control property in Redevelopment Areas approved by the Planning Commission in regards to those issues covered by the Redevelopment Plan. Issues not addressed by the Redevelopment Plan remain under the jurisdiction of the Planning Code. However, jurisdiction reverts back to the Planning Code when the Redevelopment Agency "closes out" a Redevelopment Area after a Redevelopment Area Plan is completed.
June 2012 Update: Transition of Redevelopment Agency to City and County of San Francisco. The San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, along with all 400 redevelopment agencies in California, was dissolved on February 1, 2012, by order of the California Supreme Court in a decision issued on December 29, 2011 (California Redevelopment Association et al. v. Ana Matosantos). With the tight timeframe imposed by the Supreme Court decision, the former Agency staff has been working closely with the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors to ensure as orderly a transition as possible that preserves as many projects and programs as possible. For more information see www.sfredevelopment.org
Historic Preservation Report Glossary:
- Article 10 Historic Districts: Historic Districts referred to in Article 10 of the Planning Code.
- Article 10 Landmarks: A landmark building listed in Article 10 of the Planning Code.
- Article 11 Conservation Areas: Conservation Areas referred to in Article 11 of the Planning Code.
- Article 11 Category: Downtown buildings listed and categorized in Article 11 of the Planning Code.
Category I | Significant Building. Listed in Appendix A of the Planning Code. | Category II | Significant Building. Listed in Appendix B of the Planning Code. | Category III | Contributory Building. Listed in Appendix C of the Planning Code. | Category IV | Contributory Building. Listed in Appendix D of the Planning Code. | Category V | All Buildings in the C-3 (downtown) District not otherwise designated are designated as 'Unrated'. |
- CEQA: The California Environmental Quality Act
- Historic Resource Evaluation Response (HRER): Evaluation of a building to assess whether or not it is a historic resource.
- Planning Dept. Historic Resource Status: Historic Resources Code
- A: Known Historic Resource
- A*: Known Historic Resource listed in Article 10 or Article 11 of the Planning Code, denoted as such for permit routing by DBI
- B: Properties Requiring Further Consultation and Review
- C: Properties Determined Not To Be Historical Resources/ Properties For Which The City Has No Information Indicating That The Property is an Historical Resource
- Status Code: California Historical Resources Status Codes:
- 1: Properties listed in the National Register (NR) or the California Register (CR)
- 1D: Contributor to a district or multiple resource property listed in NR by the Keeper. Listed in the CR.
- 1S: Individual property listed in NR by the Keeper. Listed in the CR.
- 1CD: Listed in the CR as a contributor to a district or multiple resource property by the SHRC
- 1CS: Listed in the CR as individual property by the SHRC.
- 1CL: Automatically listed in the California Register - Includes State Historical Landmarks 770 and above and Points of Historical Interest nominated after December 1997 and recommended for listing by the SHRC.
- 2: Properties determined eligible for listing in the National Register (NR) or the California Register (CR)
- 2B: Determined eligible for NR as an individual property and as a contributor to an eligible district in a federal regulatory process. Listed in the CR.
- 2D: Contributor to a district determined eligible for NR by the Keeper. Listed in the CR.
- 2D2: Contributor to a district determined eligible for NR by consensus through Section 106 process. Listed in the CR.
- 2D3: Contributor to a district determined eligible for NR by Part I Tax Certification. Listed in the CR.
- 2D4: Contributor to a district determined eligible for NR pursuant to Section 106 without review by SHPO. Listed in the CR.
- 2S: Individual property determined eligible for NR by the Keeper. Listed in the CR.
- 2S2: Individual property determined eligible for NR by a consensus through Section 106 process. Listed in the CR.
- 2S3: Individual property determined eligible for NR by Part I Tax Certification. Listed in the CR.
- 2S4: Individual property determined eligible for NR pursuant to Section 106 without review by SHPO. Listed in the CR.
- 2CB: Determined eligible for CR as an individual property and as a contributor to an eligible district by the SHRC.
- 2CD: Contributor to a district determined eligible for listing in the CR by the SHRC.
- 2CS: Individual property determined eligible for listing in the CR by the SHRC.
- 3: Appears eligible for National Register (NR) or California Register (CR) through Survey Evaluation
- 3B: Appears eligible for NR both individually and as a contributor to a NR eligible district through survey evaluation.
- 3D: Appears eligible for NR as a contributor to a NR eligible district through survey evaluation.
- 3S: Appears eligible for NR as an individual property through survey evaluation.
- 3CB: Appears eligible for CR both individually and as a contributor to a CR eligible district through a survey evaluation.
- 3CD: Appears eligible for CR as a contributor to a CR eligible district through a survey evaluation.
- 3CS: Appears eligible for CR as an individual property through survey evaluation.
- 4: Appears eligible for National Register (NR) or California Register (CR) through other evaluation
- 4CM: Master List - State Owned Properties - PRC 5024.
- 5: Properties Recognized as Historically Significant by Local Government
- 5D1: Contributor to a district that is listed or designated locally.
- 5D2: Contributor to a district that is eligible for local listing or designation.
- 5D3: Appears to be a contributor to a district that appears eligible for local listing or designation through survey evaluation.
- 5S1: Individual property that is listed or designated locally.
- 5S2: Individual property that is eligible for local listing or designation.
- 5S3: Appears to be individually eligible for local listing or designation through survey evaluation.
- 5B: Locally significant both individually (listed, eligible, or appears eligible) and as a contributor to a district that is locally listed, designated, determined eligible or appears eligible through survey evaluation.
- 6: Not Eligible for Listing or Designation as specified
- 6C: Determined ineligible for or removed from California Register by SHRC.
- 6J: Landmarks or Points of Interest found ineligible for designation by SHRC.
- 6L: Determined ineligible for local listing or designation through local government review process; may warrant special consideration in local planning.
- 6T: Determined ineligible for NR through Part I Tax Certification process.
- 6U: Determined ineligible for NR pursuant to Section 106 without review by SHPO.
- 6W: Removed from NR by the Keeper.
- 6X: Determined ineligible for the NR by SHRC or Keeper.
- 6Y: Determined ineligible for NR by consensus through Section 106 process - Not evaluated for CR or Local Listing.
- 6Z: Found ineligible for NR, CR or Local designation through survey evaluation.
- 7: Not Evaluated for National Register (NR) or California Register (CR) or Needs Revaluation
- 7J: Received by OHP for evaluation or action but not yet evaluated.
- 7K: Resubmitted to OHP for action but not reevaluated.
- 7L: State Historical Landmarks 1-769 and Points of Historical Interest designated prior to January 1998 - Needs to be reevaluated using current standards.
- 7M: Submitted to OHP but not evaluated - referred to NPS.
- 7N: Needs to be reevaluated (Formerly NR Status Code 4)
- 7N1: Needs to be reevaluated (Formerly NR SC4) - may become eligible for NR w/restoration or when meets other specific conditions.
- 7R: Identified in Reconnaissance Level Survey: Not evaluated.
- 7W: Submitted to OHP for action - withdrawn.
- Survey: Historical Resource Survey:
- Survey Rating: Rating determined during the above survey. Ratings correspond to the California Historical Resource Status Codes (see status codes above).
- California Register: The California Register program encourages public recognition and protection of resources of architectural, historical, archeological and cultural significance, identifies historical resources for state and local planning purposes, determines eligibility for state historic preservation grant funding and affords certain protections under the California Environmental Quality Act.
- Heritage Rating: San Francisco Architectural Heritage survey ratings. The non-profit advocacy group SF Heritage conducted its own surveys utilizing the Kalman method to evaluate buildings. This field represents Heritage survey ratings, which have four categories: A, highest importance; B, major importance; C, contextual importance; D, minor or no importance. The Planning Department officially switched from the Kalman categorization to CA Historical Resources Status Codes in 2000.
- Article 10 Landmark #: Planning Code. Article 10 landmark. The Board of Supervisors may, by ordinance, designate an individual structure or other feature or an integrated group of structures and features on a single lot or site, having a special character or special historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value, as a landmark, and shall designate a landmark site for each landmark.
- Article 11 Category: Planning Code. Article 11 category. Buildings categorized as I, II, III, IV or V with Category I designated as the most architecturally significant.
- Here Today Page: The Junior League's 1968 Here Today survey. Refers to the page number of the Here Today book that features information on that property.
- UMB Survey: Unreinforced Masonry Building Survey. A 1990-1992 Planning Department survey of over 2,000 privately owned UMBs. Surveyed UMBs are marked with a "Y".
- 1976 Architectural Survey: Planning Department 1976 Architectural Survey. Rated 0-5 with 5 as the highest rating for architecture. Some are listed as "Y".
Planning Applications Report Glossary:
- Planning Application: An application for Planning Permission. Planning applications can often be broken down into Projects and Cases.
- Project: Permits are required in San Francisco to operate businesses and to perform construction activity. Depending upon the activity proposed a permit may be required from the Department of Building Inspections, the Fire Department, the Health Department or the State Alcoholic Beverage Commission. The Planning Department reviews most applications for these permits in order to ensure that the projects comply with the Planning Code. The Project is the activity being proposed.
- Case: In reviewing a Project's compliance with the Planning Code one or more Cases will be generated. Each case will assess different aspects of the Project (e.g. Environmental Review, Transportation Study, Shadow Study, Conditional Use Authorization).
@ 2025 San Francisco Planning Department |